
My name is Frances Bukovsky, and I am a photographer and image maker whose work explores the relationship between bodies, places, and identity, particularly in the context of chronic illness, disability, and queerness. You can check out my photography here: my portfolio.

Something Like a Body

Photography is the way that I approach a deeper understanding of the world around me-writing is how I articulate it. Something Like a Body is a weaving of sensual experience with broader topics such as chronic illness, the medical system, and the ecological times of change we live in. If you too find yourself as a body that often feels complicated, welcome.

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Becoming a subscriber means you’ll never miss a post. Becoming a paid subscriber invites you deeper into my working practice as an image maker-once a month you’ll receive an in-depth breakdown of what I’m working on, what has been inspiring me, what’s on my reading list, who I’m listening to, and images that I’ve made during the month. It is a peek into the creative chaos.

Becoming a paid subscriber helps support my work as an artist and writer. As a chronically ill person, my work-life often takes on nebulous and shifting forms-your contribution helps me work towards stability.

Subscribe to Something Like a Body

Frances Bukovsky writes about their photography practice and the relationship between our bodies, the places we live, and the beings around us in the context of chronic illness, queerness, and ecology.


Photographer making images and writing about the relationship between selfhood, other beings and places, and medical experiences in the context of chronic illness, disability, and queerness. Lives in Marshall, North Carolina.